Babesiosis of Dogs 犬焦虫病
Bovine babesiosis 牛巴贝斯虫病 ; 牛巴贝虫病 ; 牛梨形虫病
feline babesiosis 猫巴贝虫病
equine babesiosis 马巴贝虫病 ; 马巴贝西原虫病
porcine babesiosis 猪巴贝虫病
canine babesiosis 犬巴贝虫病 ; 犬焦虫症
ovine babesiosis 绵羊巴贝虫病 ; 羊巴贝虫病
swine babesiosis 猪巴贝虫病
N a tick-borne disease of domesticated and wild mammals as well as humans, caused by a protozoan of the genera Babesia and characterized by fever, anaemia, jaundice, and in severe cases leading to death 焦虫病 [vet science]